Saturday, January 24, 2009

Jetlag is a Bitch

It is 12:50am on a Friday night...well I guess it is technically a Saturday morning. Though we have been home almost a week my body clock still thinks it is in Perth and doesn't understand why on earth I would want to go to sleep at 5:50pm on a Saturday! Usually I don't suffer from jet lag that bad but this time it has been killing me. So instead of laying in bed staring at the ceiling (like I have done every night this week) I thought I would do a blog entry about our last night in Perth.

For our final night in Perth we went to the Old Bailey in Joondalup with friends. Now personally I think that any time you try and merge two groups of friends it generally will not go well. However this was one of those perfect nights where everything just worked. Caz, Birdie, Sarah, Neale, Paul, Casey, Ed, Janne and Glenn all joined us for drinks and dancing to kick off the night. I think that the main factor for the joining of the two groups would have to be that Casey and Neale were apparently separated at birth. Once those two got to talking the rest just fell into place. Many drinks were had and once the band began to play we couldn't resist getting out on the dance floor. Neale joined the ladies (of course) along with Lindsay for a few songs. Neale was dancing up a storm and even got a shout out from the band. :) We were all laughing that when anyone dances with Neale they all have a look of fear in their eyes as you never quite know if he is going to spin you too hard and you will end up across the room. This tends to be a problem when dancing with a man who is 6'8" and doesn't know his own strength.
We closed out the Old Bailey and then looked at each other in horror as we all remembered that we no longer lived in Joondalup and could not stumble home to carry on into the night. So we did what any drunken group of almost 30 year olds would do...stumbled down the street to Dusk...a club that generally does host anyone over the age of 20. We again decided to give the dance floor a whirl. There is something really cool about getting older and just not caring what people think anymore. The DJ began to play songs from the 90s and of course the 18 year olds having no idea what this music was evacuated the dance floor immediately. It was right up our alley however and we danced along busting out our best 90s moves. We would have looked like dags but we had a hell of a time.
It was a great night that I won't soon forget and does make me wish that I could just move all of them here. I miss them all already.


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