Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Beauty by Mistake?

I posted the above photo to my facebook profile yesterday. It was taken by mistake with Lindsay's webcam when I was moving the computer and I thought my hair looked kind of cool in it so I posted it. The funny thing is as I didn't even think it was that great of a picture yet the response on it has been huge! People have been talking about how hot it is and telling me how great I look. I thought I just looked tired and my hair wasn't done as I had just gotten back from the beach, not exactly what I would normally call a glamour shot. Ahhh well, I guess it is mistaken webcam shots of me from now on. Just a case of beauty by mistake.

We went down to Scarborough Beach today with Corey. We had a yummy kabab at Peter's By The Sea and then took a walk down to the beach. I took photos while Lindsay couldn't help taking a quick dip in the ocean. I am feeling the heat today even though it is only 35....listen to me, only 35!!! I think it is going to hurt when we have to go back to 2 degrees!


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