Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Griswold Start to Our Adventure

Holiday roooooaaaaad, Holiday roooooaaaad.....
Well we are on day four of our visit to the sun burnt country and things are beginning to look up. We flew into Perth on Monday morning and within a few hours made an unfortunate poisoning is the shits. No laughter please.

Within a few hours of getting to home I began to feel nauseous and threw up. At first I figured it was just the long flight and lack of sleep. But it continued. Two hours later I couldn't be away from the toilet for more then a couple of seconds. That is when it hit Lindsay. I will spare you the gory details but by 8pm that night we were both worse for wear. Off to the after hours GP we went, we were given a quick shot and told to stick to ice cubes and nothing else. It continued through the night. By the next morning I could barely sit up. At 7am Lindsay felt it was time to go to emergency. Two hours later (trying to get comfy lying across three plastic chairs and keep everything in) I was admitted and put on a drip. In the end I needed two full bags of fluid to bring my heart rate and blood pressure back to normal. A fun start indeed.

Yesterday we finally made it on the plane to Adelaide, due to our stomach "trauma" we had to cancel our original flight the day before. Needless to say it was a quiet New Years for me but I fun one catching up with good friends, Carney and Davina.

My stomach has settled now and hopefully the rest of the trip will go well....fingers crossed.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Caucasian Couple, no kids seek likeminded couple for...friendship?

Trying to make new friends as an adult is like couples dating. I have only been back home for just under two years now and making friends is not an easy thing to do. When you were young friends came as easy as breathing. You were trapped in a building for hours a day with hundreds of other people your age all with the common bonds of teenage angst, teacher gripes and new found crushes. As an adult it is not that simple. Sure, you have people you meet through work but often that is the only common factor between you and nights out are spent discussing work issues and grips. Not always healthy.
People are always saying that if you go out to pubs and nightspots that you will make friends. Really? Would someone like to explain to me the process of this. It is not like picking up a sexual partner. There is no flirting tango for friendship. And let's be honest, if someone came up to you in a bar and starting talking you would think you were either getting hit on or stalked.

Then there is the party poach as I like to call it. This is the most comical and often the situation that my husband and I are in. You are invited out for dinner or to a party by another friend. Upon your arrival you discover another amazing couple that you could see yourself being friends with. You are all chatting everything is going well....your husband and you start to give each other that look like they are great!! We must steal them. But how? You both spend the next while while trying to "sell" yourself. You are funny and pleasant and make zingy comments. But this isn't like high school. You won't just run into them in the hallway the next day. So you do what any adult trying to make friends in the big city does. You log on to facebook add them via your mutual friends profile and hope they accept.

Friend dating....someone should have a website for this...

Friday, December 12, 2008

It's a Grey Day

It's a grey day today...inside and out. The sky is that non descript white grey colour that makes the sky look like someone forgot to finish the picture. Inside I am grey as I put on 2.5lbs when I weighed in this morning, the first time I have gained since beginning this journey. I know why and that I am to blame so really I shouldn't let it get to me but it still has put a damper on the day and is making me feel like I just want to get in my time machine, go back to Whistler and tell myself to step away from the buffet.

Really though when you think about it, if I have this magical time machine would it not be better to just go back to when I began to put on the weight in the first place and smack myself. Hmmm....

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Beginning

I feel like I have been on a journey lately. It began as a weight loss journey. I wanted to lose weight and feel better about myself again. I have noticed though that as I have worked on my external self it is like my internal self has begun to cry out for attention. I feel the need to become more creative and express myself.

So here we are, blogging. Never saw myself as much of a blogger and honestly this may prove that I really am not one but I feel I should give it a go. At least attempt to be as talented as all the people I admire...not mentioning any names....djbeat!!!

So stick with me and let's see where we can go. Remember...Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.

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