Monday, May 11, 2009

Dusty Neglect & The Close of April

So I have been neglecting all things online as of late. My facebook, my flickr and of course my blog. I have been checking in and having a quick glance at what is new but not really doing any work myself. I would love to say this is because I have been so busy with real world events but honestly....I have been sick and just couldn't find the energy. Of course then I think well so much has happened where should I start and then just do nothing at all. A vicious cycle I would say. So getting back on the wagon...

April came to a close and so therefore another month of 365 has been completed. I was actually quite impressed with April in the end. Especially good considering it was a month where I considered quitting more then once. Guess that just goes to show that you have to keep going even when it all feels like crap.


tNb said...

The best way to stop feeling like crap is to keep going! Catch-22? ;-)

PS: Next time you see Baby W give him a great big hug from me ...

Lindsay said...

If it was easy, everybody would be doing it. You're doing great Jess, and I love seeing what the new photo is every day!

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