Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Jennifer's Body - A Disappointment?

I just finished watching the Jennifer's Body (otherwise known as Diablo Cody's next project after Juno) trailer. I am a huge Diablo Cody fan, more for her writing of her memoir Candy Girl then Juno so I was pretty excited for a new project from her.

I am worried. The trailer for this movie makes it look like Jawbreaker for the next generation and let's be honest, Megan Fox is no Rose McGowan. So is this a case of bad trailer? bad acting? or god forbid just a bad script. I guess only time will tell but I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Also one can't help but notice a striking similarity between the movie poster for Jennifer's Body and the one for True Blood. Really guys? This is the best you could come up with?

Check it out for yourself and let me know your thoughts.


Lindsay said...

I don't rate Megan Fox anyway, it looks like another teenage supernatural load of crap thats been done a hundred times. I haven't read the book, I'm assuking its better?

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